Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Media

Inappropriate TV, Movies and Songs

*omit if not age-appropriate

There’s no mistaking that watching TV, videos, movies and listening to songs causes you to relax because it requires low levels of concentration.  But did you know that whatever you read, listen to or look at has an incredible power and an effect on you?  The power of your mind is awesome, and it can have positive and negative influences on you.  When you feed your mind with negative influences, the negative will come out.  On the other hand, if you feed your mind with positive messages, then the positive will win.  What comes in must come out is often the case with the common phrase "garbage in, garbage out!"  When you fill your mind with garbage, the natural thing to do is to act upon it and it may be who you become.

But the good news is that you can, for the most part, control and allow what you want to enter your mind.  This ensures that you can live a positive and healthy lifestyle. It's hard to escape the effects media can have on you after processing everything you see and hear.  Offensive or inappropriate material is found in TV shows, movies, music, books, magazines and the Internet.  Even when you view violence, it makes you less likely to repond to others in a caring and loving way. You have the power to choose what kind of shows and music you invite into your mind.  This is why you should choose only media and entertainment that is uplifting for you so you won't lose the Spirit of the Lord.  So you really shouldn't attend, view or participate in forms of entertainment which are immoral, violent or vulgar.

A lot of shows that you may find cool and exciting are full of reckless driving, nudity, bad language, drug use, casual *sex/relationships and other risky behaviors such as smoking and underage drinking. So many of them are unrealistic and don’t resemble the true lives of anyone you may know.  Even commercials can bombard you with images of impossible thinness and beauty.  So you have to ask yourself if will you be truly happy if you buy a certain product that a celebrity is telling you you must have.  *Did you know that two-thirds of TV shows and movies contain sexual content with verbal and visual references? So this entertainment is a major source of information/misinformation about sex and does not give healthy attitudes and messages surrounding sex.

Music is an important and powerful part of life and it can have a good influence on you.  There's no denying that it plays a significant role in your life.  But some music can have evil effects on your mind and spirit.  Do you know what the lyrics in the song you listen to are actually saying or referring to?  Whether you realize it or not, your mind is recording everything that is placed in it.  You might think you are more concerned with the beat than with the words but your mind will pick up on the lyrics even when you aren't focusing on the words to the songs. 

Some songs in popular music today (and it can include rock, hip hop, heavy metal country and rap) have lyrics that are full of bad language and themes.  These themes can be drugs, alcohol, destructive relationships, and even hate aimed at women and minorities.  There are subtle and not-so-subtle lyrics coming out of the mouths of some of your favorite music superstars.  Video games can even encourage violence.  Some are filled with obscene and indecent images, and they portray characters making poor moral decisions.  These are not appropriate values for you.  Don't you want to keep your mind and spirit pure like God wants you to be?   Taking in questionable content also leaves little room and time for God and takes away from family and friends as well.

So, what's wrong with watching and listening to inappropriate shows, videos, pictures and songs you may find appealing?  This type of media can ruin your mind and heart and weaken your affection for God.  You'll hear actors cursing God or take God's name in vain in times of anger, pain and even joy.  God and the Christian faith are made fun of in many ways with all the immorality, impurity and drug usage.  They show disrepect for Jesus and the Holy Spirit and go against the Word of God.

You should choose carefully the shows, videos and music that you watch and listen to;  you should be a selective watcher and listener.  If you encounter anything that you don't think will meet and keep God's standards, you should have the courage to turn it off, change it, or put it down.  You can ask yourself if a certain favorite show or song has control over you.  Do you glorify God by watching or listening to it?  Could your time be better seeking God's wisdom or spent better in prayer?  And just think, would you still be watching these kinds of shows and listening to your music if Jesus came to visit?  It is important to show others the love of Christ through your behavior and your lifestyle.  You can bring others into God's Kingdom by serving God, living a clean life and guarding your mind against poor influences.

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