Wednesday, June 16, 2010



"But grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."  2 Peter 3:18

"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 8: 3

Grace is love given freely by God to you.  It is God's powerful force of love within us.  It fills your body and your soul to the very top so you can love. There is sanctifying grace and actual grace. Sanctifying grace is the life of God within you.  In other words, it is God's gift of divine life into man's soul.  It's what stays in your soul and it's what makes your soul holy. It IS supernatural life.  God's free and generous gift is also called the "state of grace."  Baptism puts sanctifying grace into your soul for the first time.  You need sanctifying grace so you are able to live in Heaven (to share in God's happiness) and be in the perfect union with God, the source of all life. It really transforms your soul, actually wiping away our sins, makin it spotless and holy. If this kind of grace is in your soul when you die, you can live in Heaven (but you may need your soul first purified in Purgatory). If however, you are in a state of mortal sin (the serious kind), you cannot live in heaven.  So you can lose sanctifying grace by committing a mortal sin because it destroy God's life in your soul.  Once you have achieved sanctifying grace, you can increase it by doing good actions, receiving Communion and other sacraments, saying prayers, performing good works.  You can serve the community of God through good works toward the sick and needy, and keeping God's commandments.  You can also serve God through acts of charity through His love and acting out the virtues.  You need to work on it to keep it by responding to His actual graces and continue to seek these actual graces ... a totally different kind of grace.

Actual grace is an undeserved favor or gift from God or you can think of it as a  push of encouragement. You can think of it as a kind of helping grace or God's support for us in our day to day life.   It kind of acts on the soul from the outside. It gets you moving so it's like a kick in the pants. With God's help, it allows you to act above your nature. When God gives you these divine pushes, all you have to do is go along with them. He may move you to do an act of faith or go to confession where through your reconciliation you will receive more sanctifying grace.  Then you can have supernatural life again, But you can lose it very easily by committing a mortal sin. Venial sins don't do this but they can weaken us making you more distant from God.  Using God's gift of free will or freedom of choice, you are called to accept the divine love of God.  Grace gives you the ability to live life according to the love of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ.  It is received and celebrated in community with each other.  You are empowered to forgive, to accept without judgment, to give without asking for return, to love without end.  This is a power that can do marvelous things! It can heal and bind people together, give comfort and peace, offer affectionate love and create new persons, rest peacefully and disturb the comfortable!   So remember no matter what you do, there is nothing that can separate you from God's love. It's not about what you've done ... we really can't do enough. It's about God extending his grace to you because of God's crazy love for you!  There's really nothing else like it in all the world!

Examples of grace from the Bible: 
Jesus showed grace to Zacchaeus, a rich cheating tax collector when he invited himself to to stay at his house.   He even said the name of Peter, the disiple who denied knowing Christ when Jesus returned from the dead  and asked him if he loved that is God's amazing grace!  Just think, the disciples didn't even get the concept of grace.  Although everybody in town hated Zaccheus and looked down upon him as a crook, Jesus saw something different. He saw that Zaccheus had a new heart. Jesus saw that Zaccheus was sincerely seeking Him out. Zaccheus came seeking the Lord's forgiveness, he came seeking Him for direction, and Jesus told him then and there that He would come spend time with him at his house.  Zaccheus may not even have known that he was lost, but he obviously knew that something in his life wasn't right. Fortunately for him, he went to the right person (Jesus Christ), and Zaccheus went from being a known sinner to becoming a child of God!

Jesus gave Peter a second chance. After Christ was crucified and rose from the dead, He appeared to His disciples. In front of everybody, Jesus specifically asked Peter if he loved Him. And when Peter said, "Yes, Lord, you know I love you," Jesus told Peter, "Feed my sheep" (John 21:15-19). What the Lord meant by that was that He wanted Peter to take on the role of a leader. Jesus knew that Peter was truly sorry for denying Him in the past, and he showed Peter that He still believed in him and that He wanted to use him for great things.

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