Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Purpose/God's Plan

"For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope." Jeremiah 29:11

"He made the whole human that people might seek God, even perhaps grope for him and find him, though indeed he is not far from any one of us." Acts 17:28

"You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works! My very self you knew;" Psalm 139:13-14

Did you know that God picked and designed you even  before the world was created?  God made you to know, love and serve Him in this world so that you might share in His happiness in Heaven.   To get to heavem, you must worship God by faith, hope and charity.  You must believe in Him, hope in Him and love Him with all your heart.  Our Father in heaven is perfect. It is only if you know God, that you can love Him.  God gave you life and from the beginning two things were true: You were all born weak and wounded by Original Sin; second, and most important, God has loved you each and every moment of your lives. Yes, He loves you on our best day and He loves us just as much on your worst day. He not only knows you when you are good and bad, but he loves you no matter how you are at any moment in your lives. Did you know Jesus gives you a standing ovation daily? He loved you enough to die for you. He wants you to make Him first in your life even if that means making a sacrafice sometimes.  You were created to be with God for all eternity; that's why he gave you life in the first place. He loves you and wants to share his love, his life and eternity with you. God is good and you belong to Him! Actually, He is goodness itself.  Your journey with God is a walk of faith and trust.  The bible is God's love letter to you and the world.  1. He wants us to know and believe Him. 2. To glorify Him. 3. To find satisfaction in Him. 4. To experience His peace. 5. To enjoy His presence.

You are called to be holy or Christ-like in all you do. As Catholic Christians you are called to love your neighbor as yourself. Giving and loving and thinking beyond yourself can make a world of difference in someone else’s life.  You are to imitate God and represent His love. Therefore, you need a personal relationship with God.  Christ lives in you and you represent Jesus to the world around you. You may be the only Jesus somebody knows.  He will use you to help others around you if you'll let Him.  You need others to stick by, encourage and guide you so your faith can remain strong.  As Catholic Christians we need to encourage and bring hope to one another.  Even giving a stranger one of your smiles might be the only sunshine a person sees all day.  And these kind of gestures will make a difference in their life and yours.  As children of God, we are called to love one another, love our neighbors, demonstrate kindness, be generous and practice hospitality – all in the name of Jesus. The old hymn still rings true today, “They will know we are Christians by our love…”

You were born into this world for a purpose and you need to find out what He is calling you to do to be perfect like Him.  God thinks that you are very special and a person of great worth.  He thinks the world of you and loves you so much that He died for you.  God is love and He will never stop loving you no matter what you do wrong.  You are so important to Him.  He loves you unconditionally, cares for you, knows what’s best for you and gives without asking for anything in return. God doesn't keep good things from you. He walks alongside you every step of life’s journey, its joys and its trials, never leaving us alone.  You are so dependent on God for everything good. You need God and everything He has to offer.  You depend on God as a baby depends on his mother. 

Did you know that He has a plan for you, a plan of good, not evil and that only you can achieve it?  That is why he has given us all different abilities, personalities, and talents called gifts to develop and use for his glory. He knows you will be able to do much for Him  The Lord will reveal it to you as you do His will so you can live like Christ. Your life is not an accident. God loves you and calls you to a life of great significance, no matter your circumstances.  Now, be aware that following God’s purpose often requires great sacrifice. But, living for God’s purpose makes a life worth living.

But sometimes you get in the way of what God wants to do in your life. He knows you will be able to do much for Him. You either listen to your friends instead of what the Bible tells us is right, or we listen to the devil's lies and get sidetracked.  Or sometimes you are just stubborn and you don't have anyone to blame but yourself when you miss out on what God has in store for you. 

How would you feel if God asked you to do something? Would you feel like you weren't worthy to be used by God? Would you feel kind of insecure about being able to do it? Sometimes you think that to be used by God you have to be really smart or speak really well. Moses obviously felt that he wasn't a very good speaker. And now we see that Moses just couldn't believe that God wanted to use him for such an important task. But you have to remember that God doesn't require you to be talented. God will give you whatever you need to accomplish His work. God only requires that you be obedient and that you go where He tells you to go and do what He asks. God wants to use humble people, shy people, ordinary people. He wants to use people who were once sinners. God wants to use people who will know that the greatness they achieve is a direct gift from Him.  When you act as God designed you, you're able to be all he made you to be.

If you believe that you are greater than God and that you don't have to do God's will, you are probably teaching that same attitude of disobedience to those around you - your little brother, your cousin, and your friends. You are not being a good role model for them or a disciple of Christ.  He wants your life to count for something so you need to live a life in which you follow God's will.  You need to ask for God's special grace if we are going to be or do anything pleasing to Him.  He can do lots of things in and through you if you make time for him ... He is waiting to hear from you. 

How precious you are,  How wondrously God formed you from the moment of your creation into the miracle that you are, unlike anyone else who has ever lived.  God is at work in you.  Not a single thing in your life will be wasted/  You will be used by God.  You must trust your past, believe in your future and surrender your life to His plan.  God want to reveal a wonderful plan for your life.  "Living in Jesus" is giving Him your insecurities and fears and letting him draw out the very best in you.  Are you willing to let God work in your life.  Believe that He will equip you to do what He has called you do do!

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